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The First Polish-Turkish Roundtable

Poland and Turkey will celebrate the 600th anniversary of the establishment of their diplomatic relations next year. In the run-up to this historical milestone, GPoT Center, in partnership with demosEUROPA – Centre for European Strategy, organized The First Polish Turkish Roundtable.

The aim of the event, co-financed by the Department of Public and Cultural Diplomacy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Poland, was to discuss areas of prospective collaboration and to strengthen the relations between the two countries.

The roundtable meeting held between November 27-28, 2013 in Warsaw was attended by Prof. Dr. Mensur Akgün, Dr. Sylvia Tiryaki, and Lenka Peťková of GPoT Center; Özlem Gemici of Enerjisa, a company active in Turkish electricity sector; and Mustafa Tuncer of Gülermak, a heavy industry construction company responsible for the building of the new metro line in Warsaw.

The event provided the participants from Turkey with a unique opportunity to exchange ideas with their Polish colleagues on topics such as: models of economic development in the two countries, challenges and possible fields of cooperation in the energy sector between Poland and Turkey, and last but not least the international developments influencing Poland and Turkey’s immediate neighborhoods.

The speakers from Poland included Pawel Swieboda of demosEUROPA; Jakub Wisniewski of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Poland; Ryszard Petru of Association of Polish Economists; Adam Czyzewski of PKN Orlen, and Adam Balcer of demosEUROPA.