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Greek Cypriots realize it’s time to start benefiting from peace | Hürriyet Daily News | Barçın Yinanç

Southern Cyprus is coming to the realization that it can accrue more benefits from a peaceful solution to their island’s division than maintaining the status quo, according to Turkish Cypriot Foreign Minister Özdil Nami.

Greek Cyprus has the realization that “it may be a better idea to tackle the real problem and reunite Cyprus and start benefiting from what peace can offer,” Nami recently told the Hürriyet Daily News.

Where do we stand on the efforts for a settlement?

We are engaged in a process that will result in the formation of a joint statement, to be read by both leaders at their first meeting which will signal the start of the new round of negotiations that will be a continuation of past efforts with the goal of establishing a bi-zonal, bi-communal federation in Cyprus with political equality with Turkish Cypriots and Greek Cypriots.


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