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Roundtable Meeting on Women Rights

It was our pleasure to organise a roundtable meeting on women rights and violation against women on the premises of Istanbul Kültür University on February 24, 2015. The meeting was held with the participation of academicians, students, and civil society activists. 

During the roundtable discussion Assist. Prof. Bilge Nur Erson Asar presented on women rights under the framework of International Law, and Assist. Prof. Aysın Turpoğlu talked on the psychological aspects of violence, while Political Scientist Müge Dalkıran covered women’s activist movements featuring various countries around the world.

The presentations were followed by a vivid discussion on the current developments regarding women issue in Turkey, especially with the involvement of students. After the discussion, the participants and the facilitators agreed to continue organising this kind of fruitful events on women human rights.