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Interview with Dr. Sylvia Tiryaki | Daily Sabah

Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras said on Wednesday the Greek government will start constructing a mosque and a Muslim cemetery for the Muslim minorities in the city.

Commenting on this project and its effects on Turkish-Greek bilateral relations, Sylvia Tiryaki from The Global Political Trends Center (GPOT) in Istanbul said that "The project is more of a social project rather than a religious project," while emphasizing that it will have a positive affect on Turkey-Greece relations. Reminding that the project has been on the table for a long time and therefore it should not be seen as "something new," Tiryaki added that "It is a part of improving the rights of minorities in Greece, but this time the cemetery is also included into the package." Commenting further on the issue, Greek journalist Vana Stellou from Agora News, said that "the mosque construction and Muslim cemetery is something that should have been done years ago."

To read the full article, please visit Daily Sabah here.