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Armenia - Turkey Policy Discussions

Eurasia Partnership Foundation (EPF), in partnership with the Global Political Trends Center (GPoT), its primary partner in Turkey, organized a two-day conference with the support of USAID.

The event took place in Yerevan, Armenia between November 22nd and 23rd, 2010. On the first day of the conference, entitled “Armenia-Turkey Policy Discussions,” the role of civil society in the current political impasse between Turkey and Armenia was discussed. Dr. Mensur Akgun emphasized that more creative ideas are needed in order to keep both publics’ anticipation of a rapprochement alive. 

On the second day, EPF with its Turkish partners launched the “Support to Armenia-Turkey Rapprochement Project.” This two-year project, funded by USAID, aims to develop new business partnerships and regional professional networks between Turkey and Armenia, engage civil society and youth in both countries, build a favorable dialogue and facilitate interaction among state actors, and support rapprochement efforts through research. After the end of the conference, Armenian journalist Petros Ghazaryan hosted GPoT Director Dr. Mensur Akgun as a guest on his TV talk show.