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Syrian Youth Given Debate and Dialogue Skills

GPoT Center hosted a two-day debate and dialogue training followed by an exclusive live debate on foreign military intervention in Syria from the 16th to the 18th of September 2013.

Within the scope of the Syrian Youth Leaders of Tomorrow Initiative, taken by GPoT Center in cooperation with the Munathara Initiative (Munathara), 11 winners of the Musabaqat Munathara #DD9, an online debate competition dedicated to the youth of Syria, traveled to Istanbul for a two day debate and dialogue training. During the training, the youth were taught different debate techniques and methods, defense skills, and the importance of having an active voice in a democratic society, and were encouraged to record 99-second videos presenting their opinions for and against foreign intervention in Syria.

The two most outstanding participants from the two day training were nominated to take part in a live debate alongside two well-known opinion leaders, which took place in the Önder Öztunalı Konferans Salonu of Istanbul Kültür University (Ataköy Campus) in the evening of 18 September 2013. 

The live debate discussed the topic: Foreign Intervention Is the Only Option Left for Syria. Arguing against intervention, youth winner Ms. Rana Qass Youssef debated alongside Syrian journalist Mr. Mustafa Al Saied, while Ms. Yara Khalil debated together with Syrian opinion leader and analyst Eman Chaker pro-intervention.