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Turkey-Armenia Journalism Award Ceremony 2014

GPoT Center organized the fourth annual Turkey-Armenia Journalism Award ceremony on 3 June 2014 at the Swedish Palace in Istanbul. The 2014 award went to Oral Çalışlar, Radikal, for his article "Ermeni Kardeşlerim ve Sevgili Hrant!".

The event brought together prominent journalists, diplomatic corps, and representatives from Turkish civil society and several international organizations based in Istanbul. Consul-General of Sweden Jens Odlander opened the ceremony, followed by remarks by GPoT Center's Director Mensur Akgün and Deputy Director Sylvia Tiryaki. Istanbul Kültür University's Dean of the Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences Durmuş Dündar together with Consul-General Jens Odlander presented Oral Çalışlar with the Award. 

This year's jury composed of Mensur Akgün, Sylvia Tiryaki, 2013 awardee Markar Esayan of Today's Zaman, 2012 awardee Hilal Kaplan of Yeni Şafak, and 2011 awardee Kadri Gürsel of Milliyet. The jury decided to present Oral Çalışlar with the award for his meaningful journalistic contribution to the normalization of relations between Turkey and Armenia, especially for his article "Ermeni Kardeşlerim ve Sevgili Hrant!", published in Radikal on April 25, 2014. 

The Turkey-Armenia Journalism Award was established in 2011 in order to recognize journalists with the highest quality and most engaging media publications on Armenian-Turkish relations, and to support the rapprochement process between the two countries.

GPoT Center would like to express its sincere gratitude to the Consulate General of Sweden in Istanbul for hosting the 2014 Award ceremony at the Swedish Palace.