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4th GPoT Center – Mitvim Policy Dialogue

Global Political Trends (GPoT) Center and the Israeli Institute for Regional Foreign Policies (Mitvim) organized the 4th GPoT Center – Mitvim Policy Dialogue on November 20, 2014 in cooperation with Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Turkey. Journalists, academicians, and opinion-makers from Israel and Turkey met on the premises of Istanbul Kültür University to discuss the impact of the current regional challenges on Turkish-Israeli relations.

The discussions assessed the changes in Turkey's role in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict following the recent warfare in Gaza; identified new opportunities and devised recommendations for their implementation; and sought new paths for improving Turkey-Israel ties in light of the new regional realities.
Various perspectives including the Israeli, Turkish, and Palestinian points of view were presented by the panelists:
-Dr. Nimrod Goren, Mitvim Institute
-Assoc. Prof. Dr. Şaban Kardaş, ORSAM
-Dr. Arad Nir, Channel 2 News
-Yoav Stern, Schocken and Mitvim Institute
-Muhammed Ammash, GPoT Center
The policy dialogue, launched in 2012, is a second-track channel that brings together Israeli and Turkish experts to support rapprochement between Turkey and Israel and to jointly analyze regional developments. It consists of a series of private and public roundtables, meetings, and events, leading to a set of policy recommendations and publications.