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Preparatory Workshop on “Building Democracy: The Role and Involvement of Youth and Civil Society”

GPoT Center’s project officer and researcher, Can Yirik, attended the Preparatory Workshop entitled “Building Democracy: The Role and Involvement of Youth and Civil Society,” held in Marrakech, Morocco between the 17th and 18th of September.

The workshop, which was held as one of the preparatory meetings for the 8th Forum for the Future initiative, was organized by the Kuwait Transparency Society, Organisation Marocaine des Droits Humains and France Expertise International in partnership with the co-chairs of this year’s Forum for the Future, France and Kuwait.

Can Yirik participated in workshops that tackled issues related to the obstacles to the democratic process, human security, economic development and employment, and also the role of media in the entrenchment of democracy in BMENA region.

The representatives of civil society organizations who attended the workshop condemned human rights violations and expressed their firm attachment to the democratization process in the region.

The sub-ministerial meeting of the 8th Forum for the Future will be held in Kuwait in November.