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David Ives Mentions GPoT Center in His Speech at the UN

Mr. Ives, the Executive Director of the Albert Schweitzer Institute of the Quinnipiac University in Hamden, Connecticut, presented a speech at the United Nations on November 2nd, 2011. The side conference entitled "Improving by Doing: The Role of Civil Society in Enhancing the Work of the Human Rights Council" was organized by Ambassador Eduardo Ulibarre and the Costa Rican Mission to the United Nations.

"The Schweitzer Institute," along with the Global Political Trends Center based at the Istanbul Kultur University in Istanbul, Turkey, have also applied for a grant to a foundation to support a side conference in Turkey on nuclear weapons in conjunction with the next ministerial meeting of the Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Initiative also known as the Ten Nation Initiative scheduled to be held in Turkey sometime in 2012. Countries included in this process include Australia, Canada, Chile, Germany, Japan, Mexico, the Netherlands, Poland, Turkey and the United Arab Emirates and it is especially important that we will look at the potential use and development of nuclear weapons in the Middle East. These kinds of conferences can be organized through many different universities and support the mission of the Human Rights Council to educate our young people. Perhaps the Human Rights Council could help promote activities and conferences with the representatives of its member countries and its civil society organizations," Mr. Ives said. To read his speech in its full length, click here.