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11th Edition of the Visegrad Summer School

Lenka Peťková, together with 46 other young professionals and students from twelve different countries, participated in the 11th edition of the Visegrad Summer School hosted by the Villa Decius Association in Cracow between July 1st and 14th, 2012.

The two-week event featured discussions with renowned experts on economic, political, and social issues facing the V4 region and Europe. The topics covered by the invited speakers included: V4 cooperation in the institutional framework of the EU, current state of the liberal democracy, the eurozone crisis and its consequences, problems of cultural identity, environmental issues, and more.

The Visegrad Summer School was organized by the Villa Decius Association with the financial support of the International Visegrad Fund and in collaboration with the following partner organizations: Center for the Research of Ethnicity and Culture (CVEK), Association for International Affairs (AMO), Institute for Regional and Euro-integration Studies (EuroRegio Ukraine), and the Hungarian Center in Cracow.