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The Hague-Delhi Initiative on Global Governance

GPoT Center's Director Mensur Akgün participated in a workshop entitled "The Hague-Delhi Initiative on Global Governance", which was organized by the Observer Research Foundation (ORF) and the Hague Institute for Global Justice (THIGJ) in New Delhi between the 21st and the 23rd of November, 2012. The meeting was the second workshop hosted by the THIGJ after the introductory workshop on global governance in a changing world which was held in the Hague in April.

The three-day event was part of a broader long-term initiative aiming to map out the perspectives, positions, and points of divergence among developed and emerging nations that currently prevent meaningful consensus on important global issues.

During the meeting, Mensur Akgün gave a speech where he addressed the prospects for resolution to the Cyprus dispute and recent perceptions of Turkey in the Middle East.

For more information about the event, please read the ORF's report here.