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Students from Lund University visit GPoT Center

Students from Lund University and the Association of Foreign Affairs in Lund, Sweden, visited Global Political Trends (GPoT) Center on March 31, 2015. GPoT Center's staff presented to the students selected issues in Turkish foreign policy and the Center's activities in these areas.
After welcoming remarks delivered by Prof. Mensur Akgün; Duygu Alpan briefed the group about the backgrounds of Turkey-Armenia relations and the conflict in Cyprus. She discussed GPoT Center’s ongoing and previous second track projects focused on solving the Cyprus Question and normalizing Turkey-Armenia relations, with putting emphasis on the changing perceptions in these communities. Muhammed Ammash introduced to the group GPoT Center’s projects supporting Turkey-Israel rapprochement while talking about different concepts of and approaches to conflict management. And Omar Sheira delivered a brief presentation on the qualitative and quantitative research conducted at GPoT Center. He discussed its dual importance in presenting officials, experts, and civil society with the most up-to-date information and engaging them in a debate on how to address pressing issues.