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Looking Ahead in Turkey–Armenia Relations | Regional Dialogue | Duygu Alpan

Both Turkey and Armenia would benefit economically and politically from prospective regional cooperation in the South Caucasus. Without normalization of official relations between these two important actors and their willingness to engage in the process, however, comprehensive regional cooperation cannot be achieved. The upcoming commemoration of the 1915 tragedy constitutes a new window of opportunity for both countries to find common ground for rapprochement by overcoming historical issues. In order to achieve an inclusive solution to the deadlock in Turkish-Armenian relations, efforts at regional cooperation should be undertaken at the civil society level and in the media; and at the political level simultaneously.

Bilateral relations between Turkey and Armenia have always been complex due to complicated history as well as domestic, regional and international political developments. With the declaration of Armenian independence in 1991 after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Turkey was among the first countries that recognized it. However, despite Turkey’s recognition at an official level, bilateral relations have been largely stagnant since 1993, and currently there are no formal relations between the two countries. Neither Armenia nor Turkey has been entirely innocent as to why official relations have been stuck for years; both countries have had their respective political and diplomatic interests, which run in completely opposite directions. While politics are dominant in determining the stalemate in relations, misperceptions that Turkish and Armenian societies have against one another are also influencing bilateral ties. As such, the state of affairs between Turkey and Armenia is a multi-dimensional issue that is marked by conflicts and disagreements on different levels and should be approached by considering the variety of factors corresponding to it. 

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