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The Recent Developments in the Middle East, North Africa and the Role of Turkey

GPoT Center organized a round table meeting today on “The recent developments in the Middle East, North Africa and the role of Turkey”.

The meeting was attended by GPoT’s High Advisory Board members Yalim Eralp, Şadi Ergüvenç, Sönmez Köksal, Özdem Sanberk, as well as Sami Kohen and Ali Resul Usul of Bahçeşehir University. Mr. Ergüvenç and Prof. Usul presented two papers assessing the scope of the events in the region and implications for Turkey from a number of aspects. To read Mr. Ergüvenç's paper, click here. To read Prof. Usul's paper, click here.

The meeting was the first in a series of “Policy Talks” to be organized by GPoT through 2011. Download the Meeting report with compiled policy recommendations in Turkish here.