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Subministerial Meeting of the Forum for the Future

Dr. Mensur Akgün, with his colleague Dr. Sylvia Tiryaki, attended the Subministerial Meeting of the Forum for the Future 2010, which was held on November 8th, 2010 in Ottawa, Canada.

The event which took place under the co-presidency of Canada and Qatar was a follow-up of three preparatory workshops organized in Doha, Istanbul, and Beirut earlier this year. The workshop on “The Private Sector’s Role in the Area of Corporate Social Responsibility” in Istanbul took place on the premises of Istanbul Kültür University and was organized by GPoT with the assistance of TESEV and the International Development Research Center (IDRC) Canada in October 2010. Dr. Akgün and Dr. Tiryaki, together with the other participants, discussed the recommendations from all three preparatory workshops and drafted a proposal with recommendations to be submitted at the Ministerial Meeting of the Forum for the Future scheduled for January 2011.