GPoT Center is pleased to announce the brief conclusion of the roundtable discussion entitled “Current State of Affairs of Turkey-Israel Relations from the Regional Perspective”, which is jointly organized with the Israeli Institute for Regional Foreign Policies (MITVIM) on 8 May 2014 in Istanbul.
Please click here to see the press release regarding the roundtable discussion.
Küresel Siyasal Eğilimler Merkezi (GPoT Center) olarak 13 Mayıs 2014 tarihinde Soma’da meydana gelen elim olay nedeniyle derin üzüntü duyuyor, hayatını kaybeden maden işçilerini saygıyla anıyoruz.
Global Political Trends Center (GPoT Center) expresses deep sorrow for the tragedy that occurred in Soma, Turkey on 13 May 2014. We extend heartfelt condolences to the people of Turkey for this great loss.
Yeni bir teyit de Dışişleri Bakanı Ahmet Davutoğlu’ndan geldi. Bakan Ankara’daki bir basın toplantısında “İsrail ile problemlerin önemli ölçüde aşıldığını” açıkladı ve iki ülke arasındaki ilişkilerin normalleştirilmesinin yakında gerçekleşeceğinin işaretini verdi. Başbakan Tayyip Erdoğan da geçen hafta bir Amerikalı gazeteciyle yaptığı söyleşide iki ülke arasındaki anlaşmanın imzalanmasının ve büyükelçilerin teati edilmesinin önümüzdeki haftalarda gerçekleşebileceğini söylemişti.
2008 Aralık ayındaki İsrail’in Gazze operasyonu ile krize giren Mavi Marmara’ya yönelik saldırı sonrası kopma noktasına gelen Türk-İsrail ilişkilerinde normalleşme süreci artık çok yakın. En azından aralarında Başbakan Erdoğan’ın da bulunduğu liderlerin görüşü bu. İsrail’in geçen yılki özrü ile başlayan ve Mavi Marmara’da hayatını kaybedenler için tazminat görüşmeleriyle devam eden müzakerelerde sonuca yaklaşıldığı belirtiliyor. Normalleşmenin ilk somut adımı karşılıklı büyükelçilerin atanması olacak.
Cyprus is one of those conflicts that have been around long enough to become firmly embedded in international security structures as a stable variable. Its existence has successfully intruded into the domestic politics of world powers, as well as many other states, and with a recent visit by US Vice President Joe Biden, is again taking on a higher profile -- but what lies ahead for the divided East Mediterranean island?
We, as GPoT Center, appreciate the message delivered by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, on the 23rd of April. Today, the 24th of April, we acknowledge the 99th anniversary of the suffering endured by the Armenian population in 1915 and are hopeful that the future holds warmer neighborly relations for Turkey and Armenia's governments and societies, respectively.
GPoT Center hosted Mr. Michalis Sophocleous, Chief of Glafkos Clerides Institute and Ms. Anna Andreou, a journalist at CYBC TIK TV Cyprus. The meeting comprised multi-faceted discussions on the Cyprus question and how a viable solution could be implemented through diplomatic dialogue and social change.
When we first convened the Heybeliada Talks in July 2008, we did not anticipate the meetings would last for so long. By now, it has been more than five years during which we have had fourteen rounds and several side meetings.
GPoT Center's project officers Duygu Alpan and Mehmet Akgoz, together with intern Omar Sheira, attended a political meeting at the Friedrich Naumann Foundation (FNS) Turkey, in Istanbul. Duygu presented domestic Turkish politics, Mehmet spoke on Turkey-EU Relations, and Omar discussed Turkish foreign policy. GPoT members engaged in a dialogue with members of the 3H Movement and Young Liberals.
GPoT Center's project officers, Sofia Hafdell and Mehmet Akgöz together with intern Omar Sheira hosted 50 students from The Sct. Knuds Gymnasium, located in Denmark. They presented on EU-Turkey relations, Turkish foreign policy in the MENA region, and current domestic developments in Turkey.