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Ortak Metinde Anlaşmaya Çok Yakınız | Halkın Sesi

Dışişleri Bakanı Özdil Nami, “ortak metinde nihai noktaya çok yakın olduklarını, sadece iki noktada pürüz kaldığını” söyledi.

Özdil Nami Ntv'ye Konuştu | HABER KKTC

İstanbul'da Temaslarda Bulunan Dışişleri Bakanı Özdil Nami, Ntv'ye Kıbrıs Konusundaki Gelişmeleri Değerlendirdi. Birleşmiş Milletler (Bm) Güvenlik Konseyi Kararlarının ortada Olduğunu Söyleyen Bakan Nami, 50. Yılını Tamamlayacak Ve Birleşmiş Milletler Çatısı Altında Yürütülen Müzakerelerde Konuların Derinlemesine Tartışıldığını Kaydetti. 
Dışişleri Bakanı Özdil Nami, İstanbul temasları çerçevesinde ayrıca, İstanbul Kültür Üniversitesi Küresel Siyasal Eğilimler Merkezi tarafından düzenlenen "Kıbrıs Görüşmeleri Yuvarlak Masa Toplantısı"na katıldı.

Özdil Nami: Adada barışa hiç bu kadar yaklaşmamıştık | Euronews | Bora Bayraktar

Doğu Akdeniz’in stratejik adası Kıbrıs’ta barış adına yine hareketli bir döneme girildi. Rum Kesimi’nde yaşanan ekonomik kriz, bölgede bulunan yeni enerji kaynaklarının ekonomiye kazandırılması çabaları, ABD’nin Ortadoğu’da yeniden gücünü restore etme süreci ve Rum yönetimindeki siyasi değişimle Cumhurbaşkanlığına Nikos Anastasiadis’in gelmesi, yeni bir fırsat kapısı aralamış durumda.

Kanal Istanbul and Montreux | Hürriyet Daily News | Gila Benmayor

One of Prime Minister Erdoğan’s “crazy projects” designed for Istanbul is the waterway to be opened between the Marmara Sea and the Black Sea named Kanal Istanbul.

Professor Cemal Saydam from Hacettepe University’s Environmental Engineering Department spoke in Istanbul. It was the Freelance Architects Association of Istanbul (İSMD) that invited him. After listening to Professor Saydam, it appears that the project is not only crazy but also dangerous for the city.

Turkish perspectives on a changing Middle East

GPoT Center's deputy director Dr. Sylvia Tiryaki participated in a meeting on Turkish perspectives on a changing Middle East, organized in Madrid, Spain  from the 15-16 December 2013.

The meeting entitled "Turkish perspectives on a changing Middle East" was organized by the Toledo International Centre for Peace (CITpax) and the Barcelona Center for International Affairs (CIDOP). It opened with a welcome dinner on December 15th at the Residence of the Turkish Ambassador to Spain, hosted by H.E. Ambassador Ayşe Sinirlioğlu. 

Las batallas perdidas de la UE en el Este | El Confidencial | Daniel Iriarte

¿Está la Unión Europea perdiendo relevancia en sus fronteras orientales? De la crisis de Ucrania a la inestabilidad política en el Cáucaso, pasando por el languideciente proceso de adhesión de Turquía, la UE experimenta toda una serie de dificultades que cuestionan la potencia del soft power europeo en su flanco derecho.

MCA 4th meeting in Istanbul: “Mediterranean Dialogues: Citizenship and Conflicts”

GPoT Center's project officer Sofia Hafdell participated in the Fourth Meeting of the Mediterranean Citizens’ Assembly, which was organized in Istanbul from the 21st to the 24th of November 2013.

Meeting at The Chicago Council of Global Affairs | Turkey Update: Domestic and Regional Insights

GPoT Center's director Mensur Akgün and deputy director Sylvia Tiryaki visited The Chicago Council of Global Affairs, in the United States, on the 8th of November, 2013.

Mensur Akgün and Sylvia Tiryaki were invited to discuss some of the trends taking place within Turkey and its role throughout the region, with extra focus on domestic politics and updates. They met with The Chicago Council's director of government and diplomatic programming, among others.

Audycja specjalna ze Stambułu | Jedynka Polskie Radio

"Więcej świata" ze studia w Stambule o polityce premiera Erdogana i wewnętrznej polityce Turcji.

Porozmawiamy z Piotrem Zalewskim, dziennikarzem pracującym w Stambule i piszącym dla Foreign Affairs i innych mediów zachodnich o polityce premiera Erdogana i wewnętrznej polityce Turcj.

Turkish Think Tankers Visit NATO HQ

GPoT Centers project officers Duygu Alpan and Sofia Hafdell visited the NATO Headquarters in Brussels, Belgium together with 10 other representatives of Turkish Think Tanks on November 5th, 2013.

During the one-day visit, the group engaged in briefings and discussions on the role of NATO in global security and defence, including NATO's current agenda and defence capabilities; Afghanistan post-2014; Nato's partnerships and open-door policy; Ballistic missile defence; and Cyber defence.

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