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Visit of Armenian Students to GPoT Center

GPoT Center hosted Armenian participants of the Project called "Dialogue Building Between Armenia and Turkey" in Istanbul Kültür University on December 20th, 2010.

The meeting started with the welcoming remarks of Dr. Mensur Akgün. After Dr. Akgün had delivered his speech which included GPoT’s mission and the state of Turkish-Armenian relations, Nigar Hacızade explained the current foreign policy of Turkey. Later on, Lenka Peťková gave an overview of the Cyprus issue and its relevance to Turkish-Armenian relations. During conclusions, Meltem Abalı gave information about Istanbul Kültür University, and Narod Maraşlıyan introduced the city to the students who were having their first visit to Istanbul.

Armenian participants are going to stay in Istanbul until the 26th of December. They are going to be trained on documentary film making by producers from CAM Film and they are going to conduct research on the themes they want to work on. The meeting was the first step of the Dialogue Building Between Turkey and Armenia Project.