Our Dean of the Faculty of Education Prof. Dr. Alim Kaya made evaluations on the results of PISA 2022, which drew attention in the education society with its results and was also taken into consideration in macro-level education policies. Prof. Dr. Alim Kaya noted that the figures in the PISA 2022 report, which evaluates the mathematics, science and reading skills of 15-year-old students, may vary depending on the point of view and the criteria addressed, and evaluated Türkiye’s place and position as follows: "One of the important points to be emphasized here is whether the comparison should be based on our ranking among all participating countries or within OECD countries. When we look at all participating countries, it is seen that a significant portion of these countries are far behind our level of development, in other words, we are not in the 'same class'. Therefore, a significant portion of these countries will not be a reference for our country. For this reason, it would be more accurate to make comparisons not in terms of our position among the 81 countries participating in the program, but rather according to our position among the 37 OECD countries." PISA 2022 RESULTS ARE NOT SURPRISING Prof. Dr. Kaya pointed out that it is not surprising that our math, reading and science scores are below the average of OECD countries and said: "The performances of our children and young people in the tests in the central exams, which have been applied in the transition from primary to secondary education and from secondary to higher education for nearly 50 years, are highly compatible with the PISA results. The 2023 YKS exam TYT, 2023 LYS test’s correct answer averages are an indicator of this. The harmony and similarity between the performance in both LGS and YKS tests and the performance in the cognitive skills measured in PISA is very clear and meaningful. These results have been telling us for years that the teaching of science and mathematics in our education system needs to improve." "IT IS CLEAR THAT NEW POLICIES ARE NEEDED IN EDUCATION" Noting that the minimum and maximum student ratios for each skill area presented in PISA 2022 should also be carefully evaluated, Kaya continued his words as follows: "It is thought-provoking that 39 out of every hundred 15-year-olds have not reached the minimum skill level. Again, as seen in the table, the rate of students who have not reached the basic skill level in this field in OECD countries is lower than our country. While the rate of students reaching the upper performance level in OECD countries is 9 percent, this rate in our country is approximately half, that is 5 percent. In short, it is clear that our education system needs new policies to ensure that 39 percent of our students acquire at least basic math skills. Only half of the students in OECD countries can acquire higher level skills. It is noteworthy that the proportion of students falling below the basic skill level in science skills is similar in OECD countries and in Türkiye. However, in OECD countries, the average rate of students reaching high level performance is close to twice the rate in Türkiye. A similar trend is observed in terms of reading skills. It is noteworthy that while only 2 percent of our children reach the upper performance level in this skill, the rate of students reaching the upper performance level in OECD countries is 7 percent, more than three times the rate in Türkiye. It is obvious that our situation in reading skills is more open to improvement than science and mathematics." THE MINISTRY OF EDUCATION'S APPROACH IS PROMISING Drawing attention to the Ministry of National Education's interest in PISA 2022 results and relations with other international assessment organizations, Prof. Dr. Alim Kaya said, "The interest and effort to take developmental steps based on the results is satisfying. In particular, some of the innovations introduced by the Ministry of National Education Assessment and Evaluation Regulation published in the Official Gazette dated September 9, 2023 and numbered 32304, such as the use of units related to assessment and evaluation at the central and provincial levels, the decision to conduct output monitoring exams at the national level, and most importantly, the decision to plan and conduct some exams centrally and in written form in schools, may contribute to overcoming our problem in the acquisition of basic cognitive skills. However, while the interest in PISA and international assessment measurements is appropriate, there is also the risk that these exams will become the purpose of the education system after a while and take the system hostage, and caution should be taken in this regard." |