With the participation of famous designers, federation and company officials, the Istanbul Kültür University Fashion Design Program fashion show organization, which was planned to be held on Thursday, April 17, 2020, was postponed with the COVID-19 pandemic process, motivated our students before graduation. Fashion Design Program has been set as “+24” the starting point of the fashion show study prepared by our senior students. Despite all the difficulties of busy business and urban life, 24 hours of women trying to make the best use of a short break-holiday are under the spotlight with the titles "Reality", "Active Gen" and "Fantastic". The common features of women living with these three concepts are that they are highly self-confident, use technology well and are successful in socio-economic terms. Students of the Fashion Design Program are interested in how these women spend a day on vacation, in this sense they divide the day they live into three equal parts. Our students develop their designs by thinking that these women in their target audience spend the first hours of the day with sea, sun and sand on the beach more realistic, afternoon hours in sports and in the evening and after parties. These three time periods were named as "Reality", "Active Gen", "Fantastic". Collections were created by using “Reality” women, more realistic and determined product images, “Active Gen” women, colors and visuals completely related to natural life, and “Fantastic”, with colorful and extraordinary visuals that will highlight our women's imagination. |