In cooperation with the Faculty of Education and the Istanbul Provincial Directorate of National Education, the "PDR Summit" was held on Monday, May 27. 650 school psychological counselors working under the Istanbul Provincial Directorate of National Education attended the summit, which was held at the Akıngüç Auditorium and Art Center in the Ataköy building of Bakırköy campus. After the opening speeches made by our Chairperson of the Board of Trustees Dr. Bahar Akıngüç Günver and our Faculty of Education Dean Prof. Dr. Alim Kaya, one of the academicians of the Department of Educational Sciences, Prof. Dr. Serdar Erkan gave a remarkable conference titled "Psychological Counseling and Culture". In the panel held afterwards, the field experts discussed the issue of 'Peer Bullying in Schools' in many ways and drew attention to the importance of the problem and listed solutions. In another panel, the reflection of artificial intelligence to psychological counseling services was discussed. Finally, studies were carried out to improve the skills of school psychological counselors in 20 different workshops.