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Panelová diskusia o Turecku na pamiatku Suny Çokgür Ilıcak | Naša Univerzita | Lenka Peťková

Turecko poznáme predovšetkým ako obľúbenú dovolenkovú destináciu či ako krajinu, ktorá u nás nedávno prerazila populárnymi seriálmi. Ekonómovia, vedci a politici ale vedia, že naše bilaterálne vzťahy s Tureckom nie sú iba o cestovnom ruchu a popkultúre, ale aj o spolupráci, ktorá dlhodobo narastá vo viacerých oblastiach. Historici by navyše k tomu dodali, že významným symbolom prehlbujúceho sa slovensko-tureckého priateľstva je park Alexandra Dubčeka, ktorý v Ankare otvorili pred šiestimi rokmi.

Civil society sector eager to play role in Turkey-Israel rapprochement | SES Türkiye | Menekse Tokyay

While officials from Turkey and Israel have indicated that the countries are moving closer to normalising relations, there have been a series of second-track diplomacy initiatives among civil society groups intended to support the rapprochement process.

An Israeli-Turkish meeting in Istanbul to plan the reconciliation process | | Mitvim

In light of the pending reconciliation agreement between Israel and Turkey, experts and diplomats from the two countries met in Istanbul last week (May 8-9), as part of the Israel-Turkey policy dialogue of Mitvim - The Israeli Institute for Regional Foreign Policies and The Global Political Trends Center (GPoT). Their goal was to formulate a list of policy recommendations for the day after rapprochement.

Turci majú smútok a zlosť | Správy Pravda | Ivan Drábek

Slzy žiaľu a sústrasti i zo slzotvorného plynu. Smútok, arogancia moci a zlosť sa po najtragickejšom banskom nešťastí v modernej histórii Turecka spojili do výbušnej zmesi.

Premiér Recep Tayyip Erdogan najskôr katastrofu bagatelizoval, ako niečo, čo patrí k baníckemu remeslu, a potom musel pred rozzúreným davom zutekať. Aj v deň, keď pozostalí pochovávali prvé desiatky zosnulých otcov, synov a bratov, polícia na viacerých miestach krajiny rozháňala demonštrantov vodnými delami a granátmi so slzotvorným plynom.

Press Release for the Israel-Turkey meeting

GPoT Center is pleased to announce the brief conclusion of the roundtable discussion entitled “Current State of Affairs of Turkey-Israel Relations from the Regional Perspective”, which is jointly organized with the Israeli Institute for Regional Foreign Policies (MITVIM) on 8 May 2014 in Istanbul.

Please click here to see the press release regarding the roundtable discussion.


Küresel Siyasal Eğilimler Merkezi (GPoT Center) olarak 13 Mayıs 2014 tarihinde Soma’da meydana gelen elim olay nedeniyle derin üzüntü duyuyor, hayatını kaybeden maden işçilerini saygıyla anıyoruz.

Global Political Trends Center (GPoT Center) expresses deep sorrow for the tragedy that occurred in Soma, Turkey on 13 May 2014. We extend heartfelt condolences to the people of Turkey for this great loss.