A direct confrontation by Ankara would “would serve neither Turkey’s national interests nor be a solution to the problem”, according to Mensur Akgun, chair of the department of international relations at Istanbul Kultur University. He predicted that the outcome would be “a kind of political settlement — a compromise formula that will satisfy the Saudis as well”.
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Mensur Akgun, a professor of international relations at Kultur University, said that the mild reaction to the incident coming from Trump was not unexpected. "Trump's track record, performance and relations with Saudi Arabia suggest that Washington is likely to merely use the Khashoggi case as a tool to get concessions from Riyadh in areas such as arms deals or convince them to pursue US policies."
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Gazeteci Mensur Akgün, Erdoğan’ın Rusya ziyaretini olumlu bir gelişme olarak yorumlayarak iki ülke arasındaki görüşmelerin sürdüğünü belirtti. Akgün, “Belli ki İdlib’de bir şekilde orta yol bulunacak. Hepimiz biliyoruz ki Rusya’nın Esad rejimi üzerinde ciddi bir ağırlığı var.
Mensur Akgun, chair of the international relations department at Istanbul Kultur University, said the move would not affect Turkey’s power to acquire weapons it needs, but would bring a new crisis in bilateral ties. “Turkey has been producing its own weapons more and more as time goes by. Other high-technology weapons that cannot be produced in Turkey can be supplied by other countries. And Turkey is gradually increasing its weapon purchases from Russia,” Akgun told Al Jazeera from Istanbul.
---"Tehlikeli yük taşıyan gemilerin sayısı da her geçen yıl artıyor. Buna karşılık Montrö Sözleşmesi'nin 2. maddesinde ticari gemilere neredeyse sınırsız geçiş hakkı tanıyor. Kılavuz almak dahi ihtiyari. Ancak sorun sözleşmeyi değiştirmekle çözülemez. Sözleşmeye bir kez dokunduğunuzda tümden çökebilir. Çöktüğü anda da yerini muhtemelen Türkiye'nin kendi düzenlemeleri değil, 1982 BM Deniz Hukuku Sözleşmesi'nin boğazlardan geçişe ilişkin hükümleri alacaktır.