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  • Jerusalem: The Key to Israeli-Palestinian Peace

    GPoT Center and the United Nations Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People organized a Public Forum entitled “Jerusalem: The Key to Israeli-Palestinian Peace” at Istanbul Kultur University on May 27th, 2010.

  • Iran driven by the spirit | Sylvia Tiryaki | Referans

    Plato and Aristotle knew it. For them, the social structures were determined by the three primary but different drives of the human psyche: appetite, spirit, and reason.

    Plato and Aristotle knew it. For them, the social structures were determined by the three primary but different drives of the human psyche: appetite, spirit, and reason. According to this aptitude doctrine, people in societies (and state actors as well as states) can be divided into those finding their satisfaction through material means, honor or wisdom.

  • İran ve ABD'nin nükleer onur meselesi | Sylvia Tiryaki | Referans

    Plato ve Aristo meseleyi çözmüşlerdi. Bu iki düşünür açısından toplumsal yapılar, insanoğlunun zihnini etkileyen başlıca üç farklı itki tarafından belirleniyordu:

  • Armenia-Turkey Policy Discussions Held in Yerevan

    Yerevan, Armenia - Eurasia Partnership Foundation (EPF) and the Istanbul-based Global Political Trends Center (GPoT) with funding from USAID, held Armenia-Turkey policy discussions at the Armenia Marriott Hotel in Yerevan from the 25th to the 26th of March, 2010.

  • Visit by students from the University of Toronto

    Students from the Trudeau Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies, which is based at the University of Toronto in Canada, visited GPoT Center on April 26th, 2010.