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Turkey's Role in Afghanistan: Challenges and Expectations

GPoT Center, in collaboration with Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES), in Turkey organized a public panel during FES's 2nd Inter-Regional Summit on Afghanistan, which took place in Istanbul with the participation of ambassadors, experts, and academicians from Afghanistan, Turkey, Kazakhstan, India, Japan, Russia, among other Asian countries, from the 20th to the 22nd of November 2013.

New Challenges and a New Paradigm in Turkey's Foreign Policy

GPoT Center, in collaboration with Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Liberty (FNS), in Turkey organized a roundtable discussion with the participation of GPoT Center's High Advisory Board Members, including former ambassadors and state officials.

The event, entitled “New Challenges and New Paradigm in Turkey’s Foreign Policy: Axis Shift In The Middle East“, took place on Büyükada, Istanbul, between the 15th and 17th of November, with a one-day roundtable discussion organized on Saturday 16th, followed by a concluding session on Sunday 17th.

Meeting at The Chicago Council of Global Affairs | Turkey Update: Domestic and Regional Insights

GPoT Center's director Mensur Akgün and deputy director Sylvia Tiryaki visited The Chicago Council of Global Affairs, in the United States, on the 8th of November, 2013.

Mensur Akgün and Sylvia Tiryaki were invited to discuss some of the trends taking place within Turkey and its role throughout the region, with extra focus on domestic politics and updates. They met with The Chicago Council's director of government and diplomatic programming, among others.

Audycja specjalna ze Stambułu | Jedynka Polskie Radio

"Więcej świata" ze studia w Stambule o polityce premiera Erdogana i wewnętrznej polityce Turcji.

Porozmawiamy z Piotrem Zalewskim, dziennikarzem pracującym w Stambule i piszącym dla Foreign Affairs i innych mediów zachodnich o polityce premiera Erdogana i wewnętrznej polityce Turcj.

Turkish Think Tankers Visit NATO HQ

GPoT Centers project officers Duygu Alpan and Sofia Hafdell visited the NATO Headquarters in Brussels, Belgium together with 10 other representatives of Turkish Think Tanks on November 5th, 2013.

During the one-day visit, the group engaged in briefings and discussions on the role of NATO in global security and defence, including NATO's current agenda and defence capabilities; Afghanistan post-2014; Nato's partnerships and open-door policy; Ballistic missile defence; and Cyber defence.

Bir Israil ziyaretinden izlenimler | Star | Mensur Akgün

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