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The Geopolitical Re-configuration of the Middle East

GPoT Center’s Deputy Director Dr. Sylvia Tiryaki participated in the conference entitled "The geopolitical re-configuration of the Middle East", organized by the FRIDE and the Fredrich Ebert Stiftung on May 17th in Madrid. Dr. Tiryaki was a speaker in the conference’s second session, on the role of Turkey as a regional player.

The event focused on the changing Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region as an opportunity to evolve towards new political, economic, social, and geopolitical systems after the “Arab Spring” uprisings.

Dr. Akgün at "The Arab Spring, the Eastern Mediterranean and the Cyprus Problem" Conference

On May 12th, 2012, the Director of GPoT Center, Dr. Mensur Akgün, moderated a panel at the conference entitled "Arab Spring, Eastern Mediterranean and the Cyprus Problem" organized by Insight Turkey in cooperation with the Academy Cyprus at the Yakın Doğu University in Nicosia.

Dr. Akgün moderated the second panel, in which speakers focused on the public opinion in Cyprus and the Cyprus question in the light of the recent developments in the Eastern Mediterranean.

Pre-election Visit of Turkish Journalists to Armenia

GPoT Center, in collaboration with Yerevan Press Club (YPC), brought five Turkish journalists to Armenia between the 3rd and 9th of May, 2012 under the "Pre-election Exchange of Journalists" program which is a part of the Support to Turkey-Armenia Rapprochement Project.

Smart Defense: Can a Lean NATO Meet the Challenges of the 21st Century?

GPoT Center, together with other eight international partner institutes, co-organized the "Smart Defense: Can a Lean NATO Meet the Challenges of the 21st Century?" conference hosted by the Chicago Council on Global Affairs in Chicago between March 28th and 30th, 2012.

GPoT Center was represented at the event by GPoT Center Director, Dr. Mensur Akgün, GPoT Center Deputy Director, Dr. Sylvia Tiryaki, and GPoT Center High Advisory Board members, Ambassador Ümit Pamir and Lt. Gen. Şadi Ergüvenç.

Governance for a Changing World

From the 26th to the 28th of April 2012, Dr. Mensur Akgün attended the workshop entitled Governance for a Changing World that was organized by the The Hague Institute for Global Justice (THIGJ), in close cooperation with the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs and The Netherlands Institute for International Relations ‘Clingendael’.

Second Screening of Turkey-Armenia Short Documentaries in Istanbul

On the 18th of April 2012, GPoT Center, in collaboration with Boğaziçi University's Mithat Alam Film Center, organized a screening of films made by Turkish and Armenian students.

The event took place with the participation of Boğaziçi University's students along with the makers of the films and the coordinators of the Dialogue-Building between Turkey and Armenia Project. The audience also had the chance to express their comments and pose questions about the films and the project during a short discussion session.