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Turkey: What Axis Shift? | by Mensur Akgün | Le Monde Diplomatique

Turkey has been charged with changing axis for a while, but the question is, whose axis is shifting? Turkey’s confidence is rising as it gains in respect due to its recent initiatives.

Meltem Abalı G-20 Genç Liderler Zirvesine katıldı

25-28 Haziran’da Toronto’da yapılan “G-20 Gençlik Zirvesi”nde G-20 grubunu temsil eden genç liderler ilk kez bir araya gelerek, uluslararası konuları tartışma ve karşılıklı kültürel anlayış geliştirme fırsatı buldu.

Business ties key to Turkish-Armenian detente, discussion group says | Hurriyet Daily News

Economic relations between Turkey and Armenia should be improved in order to improve political and social relations, according to business leaders meeting at a roundtable discussion Thursday in Istanbul.

Rockefeller Conference on Armenia-Turkey relations

Mensur Akgün, together with other international civil society activists, participated in a conference on the Armenian-Turkish relations organized by the Bellagio Center - Rockefeller Foundation at Lake Como in Italy.

The main topics debated by the experts included the Protocols signed between Armenia and Turkey, and the Nagorno-Karabakh issue.

Forum for the Greek Cypriot and Turkish Students

A group of 16 Greek Cypriot students and young leaders, together with Dr. Areti Demosthenous, Director of the Institute of Historical Research for Peace based in Nicosia, visited GPoT Center on June 16th, 2010.

Uzlaşmayız biz... | Ali Bayramoğlu | Yeni Şafak

Mensur, Cahit ve ben çocukken iyi arkadaştık. Evlerimiz yan yanaydı. Her öğleden sonra bizim arka bahçede buluşur; incir, nar ve erik ağaçları arasında düşe kalka oynardık. Gelibolu'da yaz günleri bu oyunlarla geçerdi.