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  • Kaçak çalışan Ermenilerin yüzde 93'ü kadın | Radikal

    Merkezi ABD’de bulunan Avrasya Ortaklık Vakfı ve İstanbul Kültür Üniversitesi Küresel Siyasal Eğilimler Merkezi işbirliğiyle düzenlenen ‘Düzensiz Ermenistan Göçmenlerinin Türkiye’deki Durumu’ araştırmasının sonuçları dün basın toplantısıyla açıklandı. Araştırmacı Alin Osinian, Nisan 2009’da başlanan projenin beş ayda tamamlandığını belirtti. Araştırmadan bazı veriler şöyle:

  • State of Armenian Irregular Migrants in Turkey

    Results of the research project “State of Armenian Irregular Migrants in Turkey” carried out by the Eurasia Partnership Foundation (EPF) were presented at GPoT Center/Istanbul Kültür University.

    On Monday, February 15th, Ms. Alin Ozinian, the chief researcher, and Mr. Artak Shakaryan gave a presentation within EPF’s “Identifying the State of Armenian Migrants in Turkey” project. The presentation was attended by a number of journalists, academics, students, and other experts in the field.

  • İşte Türkiye'deki kaçak Ermeniler | İhlassondakika

    Merkezi ABD'de bulunan Avrasya Ortaklık Vakfı (EPF) ve İstanbul Kültür Üniversitesi (İKÜ) Küresel Siyasal Eğilimler Merkezi (GPOT) işbirliğiyle düzenlenen "Düzensiz Ermenistan Göçmenlerinin Türkiye'deki Durumu" araştırmasının sonuçları açıklandı.

  • The Non-Copenhagen Criteria that are Applied to Turkey

    GPoT organized a lecture by H.E. Ingmar Karlsson on February 9th, 2010.

    The lecture, titled “The Non-Copenhagen criteria that are applied to Turkey,” was delivered by H.E. Ingmar Karlsson, experienced Swedish diplomat and former Consul General of Sweden to Istanbul, as well as GPoT High Advisory Board Member.

  • Press Coverage of Meeting of the Armenian and Turkish media professionals in Yerevan

    From the 17th to the 20th of December, 2009 EPF, together with GPOT, held a meeting with Armenian and Turkish media professionals at the Congress Hotel in Yerevan.

    The meeting brought together a number of distinguished Media Professionals from Turkey representing such respected outlets as CNN Türk, Milliyet, Sabah, Hurriyet, Cumhuriyet, Akşam, Taraf, Referans, Hurriyet Daily News. Representatives of Armenian media and civil society organizations also participated in the event. Please download press coverage of the event from here.