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Siyaset buzdolabında ekonomi tıkırında | Hürriyet | Gila Benmayor

DAVOS’taki “one minute” ve Mavi Marmara krizleriyle kopan Türkiye-İsrail ilişkilerinde İsrail’in özürü henüz fazla bir şeyi değiştirmedi.

Siyasi düzeyde diyalogsuzluk devam ediyor. İstanbul Kültür Üniversitesi bünyesindeki düşünce kuruluşu GPoT (Küresel Siyasi Eğilimler Merkezi) ile çok uzun yıllardan sonra İsrail’deyim. GPoT ile İsrail’deki düşünce kuruluşu Mitvim’in (İsrail Bölgeler Politikalar Enstitüsü) bir süreden beri ortaklaşa düzenledikleri toplantılar arka plana ışık tutuyor.

Comparing Conflicts, Seeking Resolutions

Together with the Israeli Institute For Regional Foreign Policy Studies (MITVIM) and in coorperation with the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Foundation (FES) in Israel, GPoT Center organized a two day round of meetings and roundtables in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv on 28-30 October 2013.

The event, named “Comparing Conflicts, Seeking Resolutions” is part of the initiatives that the MITVIM and GPoT Center have been carrying together since 2012 in the prospect of fostering Turkish-Israeli dialogue.

Former Turkey UN envoy says tensions with Israel magnified by media | i24 News

Former Turkey UN envoy concedes though that relations were strained following the 2010 Mavi Marmara incident.

Ümit Pamir, Turkey's former envoy to the United Nations, told I24News he believed the tensions between Israel and his country have been blown out of proportion by sensation-hungry media.

To read the full article online, please visit the I24 News here.

Európu s Áziou spojil nový tunel pod Bosporom | SME | Lenka Peťková

To read this article in Slovak, please visit the website of its original source here.

Muezzin ‘booted out of two mosques’ for helping protesters a hero in Turkish election debate | The National | Thomas Seibert

It is no surprise that the anti-government protests that swept Turkey this year have already become a key issue in elections expected next year. What is unexpected is that a muezzin is the focus of the swelling debate.

Fuat Yildirim angered the government of Recep Tayyip Erdogan after he allowed protesters to rest in his Istanbul mosque during the demonstrations in June. He was later transferred from the Bezmi Alem Sultan mosque to another mosque, then again to another.

Turkish Academic Delegation Visits Canada

Directors of GPoT Center, Prof. Dr. Mensur Akgün and Dr. Sylvia Tiryaki, together with Dr. Mesut Özcan, Deputy Chairman of the Centre for Strategic Research of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Turkey, and Doc. Dr. Şaban Kardaş of the TOBB University, were part of the Turkish academic delegation visiting various institutes and governmental bodies in Ottawa and Toronto between October 7-8, 2013.