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Human Security Perspectives on Developments in the Middle East

GPoT Center in cooperation with the Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict (GPPAC) and the Human Security Collective organized a Seminar of the Civil Society Network for Human Security, entitled “Human Security Perspectives on Developments in the Middle East”.

Suriyeliler Suriye'yi tartıştı | Bursaport | Zafer Opsar

İstanbul Kültür Üniversitesi Küresel Siyasal Eğilimler Merkezi (GPoT) ve Munathara İnisiyatifi tarafından ortaklaşa düzenlenen, "Yabancı Müdahale Suriye için Geriye Kalan Tek Seçenek mi?" konulu canlı tartışmada Suriyeliler Suriye’yi tartıştı. Yabancı askeri müdahaleyi savunanlar ile buna karşı çıkan Suriyeliler’i tartışmasında ilginç yaklaşımlar dikkat çekti.

Syrian Youth Given Debate and Dialogue Skills

GPoT Center hosted a two-day debate and dialogue training followed by an exclusive live debate on foreign military intervention in Syria from the 16th to the 18th of September 2013.

Young Diplomats Forum

GPoT Center's deputy director Sylvia Tiryaki participated as a speaker during the Young Diplomats Forum, organized by the Global Diplomatic Forum from the 2nd to the 6th of September, at the Delegation of the European Union to Turkey, Ankara.

Sylvia Tiryaki delivered a speech in the panel 'EU-Turkey Relations: Opportunities and Challenges', addressing questions of Turkey's role in the EU enlargement process and Turkey's EU-accession.

Kde hledat naději v Sýrii? |

Spojené státy zvažují útok na syrské cíle. Oslovili jsme s několika otázkami arabisty a blízkovýchodní specialisty. Přehled jejich názorů na situaci v současné dění v Sýrii budeme postupně níže zveřejňovat. V článku najdete i odkazy na další komentáře - české i zahraniční.

Call on Syrian Youth: ‘Make Your Voices Heard’ – Turkey | BarakaBits

The Munathara Initiative, alongside the Global Political Trends Center (GPoT) and IREX, are calling on young Syrians to make their voices heard by submitting a short video detailing their visions for Syria’s future.

Ten winners will be determined through an online vote and will be 

brought to Istanbul Kultur University to participate in a workshop and 

debate on September 16 through 18.