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Human Security Challenge Game

GPoT Center organized an activity on Human Security Challenge, which was facilitated by Human Security Collective’s Jeanne Abdulla under the auspices of Istanbul Kültür University (IKU). The event, which was attended by students of International Relations in IKU, consisted of an interactive game and was followed by a briefing session discussing the lessons learned and the challenges faced during the activity.

5th GPoT Center – Mitvim Policy Dialogue

The Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) hosted Mitvim - The Israel Institute for Regional Foreign Policies and the Global Political Trends Center (GPoT) on Monday, March 23, 2015 for an, off the record roundtable discussion on the current state of Israeli-Turkish relations. This event which took place in Washington, D.C. was the 5th round of the Mitvim-GPoT Center Israel-Turkey policy dialogue, launched in 2012 and held in cooperation with FES.

Strained alliances: Israel, Turkey, and the United States

Within the framework of the ongoing policy dialogue between GPoT Center and Mitvim Institute, and with the support of Friedrich Ebert Foundation, the Center for Middle East Policy (CMEP) at Brookings hosted a discussion examining the relationship between Israel and Turkey.

GPoT Center’s Dr. Sylvia Tiryaki and Mitvim Institute’s Dr. Nimrod Goren discussed the development and current state of Turkey-Israel relations. Additionally, they explored future opportunities and ways for normalizing the relations, while debating the role of the US in this process.

Roundtable Meeting with Mr. George Papandreou

It was our great pleasure to host Mr. George Papandreou, former Prime Minister of Greece and current President of Socialist International, for a roundtable meeting. The event was attended by a distinguished group of academicians, journalists, diplomats, as well as students, and took place on the premises of Istanbul Kültür University on February 27. 

The discussions assessed current Turkish-Greek relations, EU-Greek relations, the future of the Cyprus question, and Greek politics after the recent general elections in Greece.

Roundtable Meeting on Women Rights

It was our pleasure to organise a roundtable meeting on women rights and violation against women on the premises of Istanbul Kültür University on February 24, 2015. The meeting was held with the participation of academicians, students, and civil society activists. 

17th Round of the Heybeliada Talks

GPoT Center organized the 17th Round of the Heybeliada Talks in Nicosia’s Buffer Zone on 29th November 2014 with the aim of supporting the search for a comprehensive and peaceful settlement in Cyprus. 

The event, which was sponsored by the Open Society Foundation in Turkey, took place with the participation of approximately 20 civil society activists, political and opinion leaders, experts, journalists, academics, and analysts from Turkey, Greece and both sides in Cyprus.

Book Launch: “Sociology of Diplomacy”

On behalf of GPoT Center, it was our great pleasure to host a distinguished group of academicians and diplomats as well as students for the launch of the book “Sociology of Diplomacy” edited by Dr. Milan Jazbec, Ambassador of Slovenia to Turkey and Associate Professor of diplomacy, and published by Istanbul Kültür University. The event took place in the premises of Istanbul Kültür University on 26 November 2014. 

4th GPoT Center – Mitvim Policy Dialogue

Global Political Trends (GPoT) Center and the Israeli Institute for Regional Foreign Policies (Mitvim) organized the 4th GPoT Center – Mitvim Policy Dialogue on November 20, 2014 in cooperation with Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Turkey. Journalists, academicians, and opinion-makers from Israel and Turkey met on the premises of Istanbul Kültür University to discuss the impact of the current regional challenges on Turkish-Israeli relations.

Policy Analysts from the MFA of the Republic of Indonesia Visit GPoT Center

Global Political Trends Center hosted a meeting with policy analysts from the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 

They discussed Turkey's relations vis-à-vis the Middle East, Cyprus, EU, and Armenia, as well as the possible initiatives that GPoT Center and the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs could conduct for the region.

The Olive Tree Initiative Visits GPoT Center

Students participating in the 2014 study visit organized by The Olive Tree Initiative visited GPoT Center on 30 June 2014.

Participants of the program had the opportunity to discuss Turkey-Armenia relations with GPoT Center directors, Prof. Dr. Mensur Akgun and Dr. Sylvia Tiryaki. In addition, they were given the opportunity to hear about practical examples of the work of civil society in this field by learning about GPoT Center's projects implemented up to date.

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