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  • CNN Turk and TRT Visits to Armenia

    GPoT Center arranged the visits of Turkish journalists to Armenia from the state-run TRT television station between June 26th and July 3rd, 2011 and from CNN Turk between October 24th and 26th, 2011.

    The teams met with Armenian experts and journalists and traveled to sites of cultural importance. The trips were organized as part of GPoT's Armenia-Turkey reconciliation projects, carried out with Internews Armenia and the Eurasia Partnership Foundation.

  • Towards an Effective and Inclusive Global Counter-Terrorism Policy

    GPoT Deputy Director Dr. Sylvia Tiryaki attended the global civil society working meeting "Towards an Effective and Inclusive Global Counter-Terrorism Policy" held between October 20th and 22nc, 2011 in New York City.

    The conference, jointly organized by the Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict (GPPAC) and Cordaid, aimed at setting up a dialogue between UN entities and civil society on the issue of human security. Participants included leading civil society figures and experts from across the world.

  • The Recent Developments in the Middle East, Mediterranean and the Role of Turkey

    GPoT Center organized the second round of its Policy Talks series on October 12, 2011. The topic of the round table was the recent developments in the Middle East and Mediterranean region and the current state of Turkey-Israel relations after the release of the Palmer Report.

    The meeting was attended by GPoT High Advisory Board members Şadi Ergüvenç, Yalım Eralp, Sönmez Köksal and Özdem Sanberk, along with Sami Kohen. After welcoming remarks by Mensur Akgün, Mr. Sanberk presented the Palmer Report and spoke about its preparation.

  • EuroMeSCo Annual Conference 2011

    Director of GPoT Center, Dr. Mensur Akgün, participated in the EuroMeSCo Annual Conference 2011 in Barcelona between October 6th and 7th, 2011.

    The title of the conference was: "A New Mediterranean Political Landscape? The Arab Spring and Euro-Mediterranean Relations”. The debates during the two-day event covered the following topics:

  • Preparatory Workshop on “Building Democracy: The Role and Involvement of Youth and Civil Society”

    GPoT Center’s project officer and researcher, Can Yirik, attended the Preparatory Workshop entitled “Building Democracy: The Role and Involvement of Youth and Civil Society,” held in Marrakech, Morocco between the 17th and 18th of September.

    The workshop, which was held as one of the preparatory meetings for the 8th Forum for the Future initiative, was organized by the Kuwait Transparency Society, Organisation Marocaine des Droits Humains and France Expertise International in partnership with the co-chairs of this year’s Forum for the Future, France and Kuwait.